Thursday, August 16, 2012

What a helper.

Why yes Pierce, I can see what a good job you did when you dipped the broom into the dirty water and mopped the dining room floor! Here, let me just use a towel to soak up the 3 litre puddle you slipped in on your way to wash my window with a diaper wipe. Those hardly smudge at all, right? That's ok though, I'll have plenty of time to clean the smears off the window while you're keeping busy in the bathroom emptying Nixon's baby wash onto the bath mat. Oh, and don't give it a second thought Buddy, peeing on the front doorstep while the neighbor's realtor drives up with potential buyers is nothing people haven't seen before, and besides, its hard to use the bathroom when your Mom is in there cleaning the floor. Just come on back in when you're done. While I'm hosing the urine off the concrete steps, why don't you go ahead and help yourself to a little snack? I'll get to the glass of juice you just spilled onto your freshly washed dining room floor in a minute, I know how upsetting it can be when all your hard work goes to waste.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah you are so funny! Every day comes with more things we have to clean. I do not think a moms work around the house ever is done. Our little ones surely keep us on our toes. I hope you are well. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen
